
VideoVortex #5 11.Constant Dullaart 2
VideoVortex #5 11.Constant Dullaart 2
Artist practices: (sub)versioning Constant Dullaart (NL) Dullaart is an artist and teaches at the Gerrit Rietveld academy, and curates several events in A... (46:26) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 12.Simon Yuill
VideoVortex #5 12.Simon Yuill
‘Citizen Journalism vs Oppositional Media’Politics of online video Simon Yuill (GB) Simon Yuill is an artist based in Glasgow, was involved in hacklabs and Free Media Labs and has written on aspec... (34:40) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 13.Elizabeth Losh
VideoVortex #5 13.Elizabeth Losh
‘The White House’s use of YouTube and the reactions of privacy advocates...Politics of online video Elizabeth Losh (US) Losh is Writing Director of the Humanities Core Course at the University of California and recently published ‘... (44:52) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 14.Stephen Crocker
VideoVortex #5 14.Stephen Crocker
‘Filmmaking and the politics of remoteness’Politics of online video Stephen Crocker (CA) Crocker is an associate professor of sociology and assistent director of the Humanities Program at Memorial ... (50:22) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 2.Liesbeth Huybrechts/Rudi Knoops
VideoVortex #5 2.Liesbeth Huybrechts/Rudi Knoops
‘Play that video , All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’System flaws and tactics Liesbeth Huybrechts / Rudi Knoops (BE) Both Huybrechts and Knoops teach at the Media & Design Academy in Genk. Video Vortex #5: ... (39:19) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 3.Brian Willems
VideoVortex #5 3.Brian Willems
‘Blindness: the inability of YouTube to read itself’System flaws and tactics Brian Willems (CR) Brian Willems teaches literature and media culture at the University of Split. Video Vortex #5: DAY 1 Internat... (45:43) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 4.Rosa Menkman
VideoVortex #5 4.Rosa Menkman
‘Glitch: From Artifacts to filter. The Tipping point of failure’ System flaws and tactics Rosa Menkman (NL) Menkman is an artist and currently doing a PhD at the KHM on the subject of Artifacts. Video Vortex #5: DAY 1 ... (42:31) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 5.Johan Grimonprez
VideoVortex #5 5.Johan Grimonprez
‘It’s a poor story if it only works backward’ System flaws and tactics Johan Grimonprez (BE) Grimonprez is an internationally renowned artist best known for his seminal DIAL H-I-S-T-O-R-Y. Video Vorte... (01:08:26) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 6.Andrew Clay
VideoVortex #5 6.Andrew Clay
‘Web cinema’ Online cinema Andrew Clay (GB) Andrew Clay is lecturing in Critical Technical Practices at De Montfort University, Leicester and programme leader of BSc (... (42:48) 16 พ.ย. 2010
VideoVortex #5 7.Keith Sanborn
VideoVortex #5 7.Keith Sanborn
‘beyond’ Categories of enactment / Strategies of resistance Keith Sanborn (US) Sanborn is media artist and theoretician focusing on the investigation of public image... (50:36) 16 พ.ย. 2010

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