
Conjunto di NERO 09/13
Conjunto di NERO 09/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (03:33) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 10/13
Conjunto di NERO 10/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (08:17) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 11/13
Conjunto di NERO 11/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (03:36) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 12/13
Conjunto di NERO 12/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (05:10) 11 Jul 2001
Conjunto di NERO 13/13
Conjunto di NERO 13/13
Lighting is an integral element of each performance. It is used to create an atmosphere and change the landscape as well as to reveal and to hide. In Conju... (02:17) 11 Jul 2001
Bacchanten 17/38
Bacchanten 17/38
ZT Hollandia’s muziektheaterversie van de griekse tragedie ‘Bacchai’ door Euripides. Met Fedja van Huêt als Dionysos en Aus Greidanus jr. in de rol van Pent... (02:43) 18 Jun 2002
Bacchanten 18/38
Bacchanten 18/38
ZT Hollandia’s muziektheaterversie van de griekse tragedie ‘Bacchai’ door Euripides. Met Fedja van Huêt als Dionysos en Aus Greidanus jr. in de rol van Pent... (04:28) 18 Jun 2002
Bacchanten 19/38
Bacchanten 19/38
ZT Hollandia’s muziektheaterversie van de griekse tragedie ‘Bacchai’ door Euripides. Met Fedja van Huêt als Dionysos en Aus Greidanus jr. in de rol van Pent... (03:13) 18 Jun 2002
Bacchanten 20/38
Bacchanten 20/38
ZT Hollandia’s muziektheaterversie van de griekse tragedie ‘Bacchai’ door Euripides. Met Fedja van Huêt als Dionysos en Aus Greidanus jr. in de rol van Pent... (02:01) 18 Jun 2002
Bacchanten 21/38
Bacchanten 21/38
ZT Hollandia’s muziektheaterversie van de griekse tragedie ‘Bacchai’ door Euripides. Met Fedja van Huêt als Dionysos en Aus Greidanus jr. in de rol van Pent... (04:34) 18 Jun 2002

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

25 years of traffic in Amsterdam, anniversary of comissioner...
25 years of traffic in Amsterdam, anniversary of comissioner C. Bakker
Week number 37-50Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:55) 05 Dec 1937
Week number: 27-12Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:36) 01 May 1927
Making fresh water out of salt water
Making fresh water out of salt water
Week number 73-19Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:01) 01 May 1973
Our drinking water threatened by the increasing pollution of...
Our drinking water threatened by the increasing pollution of the rivers
Week number: 76-40Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:35) 01 Jan 1976
Reinforcement of our inundated area
Reinforcement of our inundated area
Week number 39-47Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:27) 01 Nov 1939
Historical town
Historical town
Week number 72-22Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 01 May 1972
Opening of a holiday spot for PTT personnel
Opening of a holiday spot for PTT personnel
Week number: 36-16Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:25) 07 Apr 1936
New city Almere has its first inhabitants
New city Almere has its first inhabitants
Week number: 76-52Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:39) 01 Jan 1976
Walking across canals and lakes on water shoes
Walking across canals and lakes on water shoes
Week number: 80-34Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:04) 01 Jan 1980
The national swimming championships in the De Miranadabad in...
The national swimming championships in the De Miranadabad in Amsterdam
Week number 56-37Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:48) 02 Sep 1956

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